Quick Link: Intern Magazine

Since pretty much all of my friends started interning this summer, the topic has been on my mind. I’ve thought a lot about what jobs companies should assign to interns that will teach the interns, help the company in the short and long term, and build mentorships. Some companies treat their interns extremely well (my friend at google got a free massage on his birthday, … Continue reading Quick Link: Intern Magazine

Working Girl

If you have a summer internship that pays money, you are very lucky. If you have one with airconditioning, you’re fortunate. If you have one you can wear pajamas to, I envy you enormously. I would never wear pajamas outside of the house but I’d still like some comfort. My summertime uniform emphasizes cotton, shorts, light oxfords, and flip flops. Blouses and flats can be … Continue reading Working Girl